A Bitcoin Payment Forwarding Service for HD Wallets Accepting bitcoin on webshop/store has become common thanks to number of direct to wallet payment gateway services like Blockonomics…
How to send bitcoin via email — Three simple steps We are glad to announce an overhaul of our btcmail feature. Now user can send bitcoin directly using his/her gmail account. The process…
Blockonomics partners with flyp.me to help merchants accept alts Last month, we had to discontinue altcoins on our plugin due restrictions imposed by shapeshift . Though our own platform will continue to…
Why bitcoin is becoming centralized Bitcoin revolution has promised a new era of decentralized payments, where centralized banks/actors are unnecessary as middlemen. However…
How to accept bitcoin for ICO ICOs have already raised 4.4 billion USD in 2018 (Source), and we are yet to complete half of the year. The traditional VC funding model…
Saving Transaction Fee using Segwit — How to be a Bitcoin Ninja There is lots of FUD these days on how bitcoin network is unsuitable for any transaction less than 1000USD and you should use altcoins for…