Blockonomics Joins Bitcoin Black Friday
Black Friday is a huge phenomena in the US, and its spreading throughout the world. There isn’t a more spectacular display of consumerism…

Black Friday is a huge phenomena in the US, and its spreading throughout the world. There isn’t a more spectacular display of consumerism beyond Black Friday. It also offers a great chance for Bitcoin to showcase its power as a currency. As an answer to that, Bitcoin Black Friday is back.
So many stores Accept Bitcoin these days, that a Bitcoin Black Friday makes sense. As Bitcoin Magazine describes, it originally started in 2012, and occurred yearly until 2017. Unfortunately, conflict inside the community caused interest to wane. But now, with Bitcoin seeing new interest as a currency that can be used for ecommerce stores worldwide, Bitcoin Black Friday has been restarted.
Therefore, Blockonomics, one of the top Bitcoin Payment Processors, is proud to partner with Bitcoin Black Friday. Our mission is to make Bitcoin easy to use, and to help people take control of their sales and payments. Bitcoin Black Friday helps get the word out there, and drives consumer interest. If we are to achieve mass-Bitcoin adoption, we need that consumer interest.
Bitcoin Black Friday also allows us, as a community, to support businesses who use bitcoin as a payment option, often times the primary payment option. We are a community that has to care for each other. Shopping at stores that accept Bitcoin supports that community, and helps us expand.
We are therefore happy to support this mission, and will be offering a $10 Coupon Code for the Black Friday Event. Additionally, we encourage all our merchants to apply (more info on that coming soon!) Together, we can make Bitcoin Black Friday an event to be envied, and event to support Bitcoin, and something that will be lots of fun.
You can find Blockonomics’ deal here:
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