Payment Widget Updates— More Flexible and Powerful Last year we introduced bitcoin payment widgets as a way to embed payment flow into existing webpages without the need of annoying button…
Top 10 NFT [Non-Fungible Tokens] Sold in 2021 In a short span of one year, NFTs have managed to completely disrupt the art world and become a household name. Such was its impact that it…
What Are The Types Of Bitcoin Addresses and Which One Should You Use? Bitcoin is constantly evolving. Developers are actively working to improve the technology and make it better plus more secure for people to…
The American Politics in the Bitcoin Community is Ruining It For the Rest of Us About a year ago I wrote an article entitled “Why the Bitcoin Community has Failed Bitcoin.” My analysis at the time was that Bitcoiners…
Why you can’t buy NFT with Bitcoin? NFT are all the rage right now. With digital files being sold for millions of dollars and celebrities getting in on the action.
The Good And The Bad Of Accepting Bitcoin Payments With Fiat The era of digital currency is here. We are currently witnessing a great shift in the way money operates. With bitcoin’s entrance into the…
Blockonomics x Crash Punks: Bitcoin/Stacks NFT (GIVEAWAY) Blockonomics, the leading direct-to-wallet Bitcoin payment processor, has entered a partnership for the launch of Craft Punks NFT. As part…